Handwriting Therapy and Evaluations
Handwriting evaluations will include the assessment of
your child’s postural control and fine motor skills. It will also include a variety of written tests such as the WOLD sentence copying test, the Evaluation Tool of Children’s Handwriting (ETCH), the Print Tool, etc. We will furnish a report after the evaluation that will mention areas of weakness and strength along with a treatment plan.

As sensory integration and visual perceptual/motor problems can cause handwriting delays, we may have to perform a comprehensive evaluation of your child in addition to a handwriting evaluation.
Sometimes, when teachers see a child with handwriting problems, they may say the child needs OT. However, occupational therapists do not work on handwriting; rather we focus on issues that are causing handwriting difficulties.
Whenever a child who has handwriting problems is presented to us, we have to assess their functioning level in these areas:
- Fine Motor Skills
- Visual Motor/Perceptual Integration
- Cognition
- Sensory Motor Integration
- Upper body Strength